GoVoteNYC case study image

GoVoteNYC is a group of donors committed to strengthening democracy and voter engagement in New York City.

Ruth Mott Foundation

The Ruth Mott Foundation is based in its home community of Flint, Michigan, with a mission to advocate, stimulate, and support community vitality.

New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is New Hampshire’s statewide community foundation, founded in 1962 by and for the people of New Hampshire.

Jefferson Regional Foundation

The grantmaking from Jefferson Regional Foundation (JRF) addresses the social determinants of health in the South Hills and Mon Valley areas of Pittsburgh with a focus on health and wellness

Episcopal Health Foundation (EHF)

The Episcopal Health Foundation’s (EHF) mission is rooted in faith and hope and driven by the belief that every Texan, especially the poor and those with the least resources, deserves access to a healthy life.

California Community Foundation

The California Community Foundation (CCF) is a vibrant and enduring resource committed to fulfilling the promise of Los Angeles County.